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  #4 (permalink)   IP:
Old 11-10-2002, 09:21 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Seattle
Posts: 15
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MHPRUITT is on a distinguished road

Nice forum for a guy with a 65 just getting into it. My bird is currently in the frame shop getting coils, leafs, bushings and assorted other items. It took "2 guy's and every tool in the shop" to get the first spring in. I was watching them on the first one and they had it chained to the frame for safety. They were a little concerned. They used a long threaded rod with a pipe around it to stabilize it. It was attached to hooks on the 3rd coils up. They fabicated a heavy plate and nut assembly at the shock tower mount. Then they used some additional spring compresors on the out-side of the coils. This alowed them to "curve it back in to the insulators. It ain't pretty, not at all. I'll let you know if they survive the other side. This is not going to be cheap. Maybe it will save someone else some money. I think it should be done by people with occupational insurance myself.
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