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Old 08-03-2003, 04:17 AM
fastfords4me02 fastfords4me02 is offline
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fastfords4me02 is on a distinguished road

I dont understand what you ment bye "But when I tried to replace it, I can't seem to get it right. " Cause all you do is take out the old and put in the new!!! Promise. Now if you still read bad, you could have other poblems. Like you fuel regulator letting to much fuel buy, or leaking fuel injectors, cause the O2 sensor may be telling the comp something wrong, but when something else is malfunctioning, the computer might not be able to tell it what to do, so it will alwasy say your O sensor is at fault. I experianced this, my injectors leaked on my car, and the O2 sensor always read rich. NOT NO MORE!
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