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  #3 (permalink)   IP:
Old 09-11-2001, 02:38 PM
Paul Johnson Paul Johnson is offline
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Cubmerland, RI USA
Posts: 44
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Paul Johnson is on a distinguished road

:rolleyes: I typically use 10w-30 quaker state and just started to use their new product for higher mileage engines. Once I have the engine rebuilt I plan on haveing the engine componenents treated with slick50 before assembly - this makes a major difference. :D I like to change her oil about every 4 months and I don't put more that 2k miles a year on her but deffinately stay away from synthetics like mobile 1 as you will find it will leak in the older engine as it is very thin.
Crazy about them bullet birds - don't know why - just love em - a rollin piece of art work is what they are.
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