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Old 05-31-2002, 06:41 PM
ashmatk ashmatk is offline
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Post Positraction Condition Testing - Ford 9"

I am shopping for a 28 spline posi for my e-bird project and have an opportunity to a pick up a rebuilt one locally, but I have a question: Does anyone know of a way to test the condition/strength/etc of the posi unit while the differential is still in the car. Is there a way to lock one component, like a tire or the yoke, and attach a torque wrench to the free wheel? The guy's price is not cheap, so I am hesitant to buy this thing if I'm going to have to do a full clutch rebuild. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I also posted this same question in the early bird section, but I realized I should have probably posted it here. Sorry for any confusion.
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