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Old 05-22-2002, 06:51 PM
5bird7 5bird7 is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Texas
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5bird7 is on a distinguished road

We just finished talking with our salesman and he expects our car in between Wed. & Friday of next week. He also said he gets some rail info so he'll know which railhead it's at along the way. I plan to be at the dealership when the transport brings it in - will look for any photo-op as this will probably be the only car we will ever place an order on.

We will take the car to cruise-ins in the local area if we're not taking our 57. It won't see alot of local roads - mostly distance travel - I hate the traffic around here.

Already know other 02 owners in our local area and met at a Sonic in Grapevine a few weeks ago. Have also met them a few other times this past winter. Some want to do another Sonic cruise-in. There is a Sonic Cruise-in on Davis Blvd this coming Saturday - 25.

[same list as 0bird2]
The New Thunderbird
new site address.
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