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Jul 14, 2001
I saw a new Thunderbird for the first time the other day at full speed with the top off going down the highway. It was the same yellow I've seen since they introduced the concept but it looked so incredibly good amongst all the Maximas and Corollas of the world that it was passing. I've read quite a bit about the car and I'm disappointed it wasn't the 'vette killer I hoped for, but from what I've heard it is an incredible ride all the same. Seing it in person only makes me envious to have one.
I wish I had one - but I will stick to my old ones for now - that is one expensive mother and people that bought them are ripping off the people that want them in a bad bad way.
To me, the whole 12th gen feels like it's disconnected from the rest of the Thunderbirds, like it's some special re-release rather than a continuation of the original line.. I haven't met an owner of a new and I don't suppose I will for a while, but I wonder if they'll appreciate the 'birds that came before it, or if driving the car is really just some snobby, elitist thing..
Alas, They bounced the beloved 'Bird right out of the normal price range and ruined to boot! It isnt fast, it isnt all that good looking, and its Danged expensive! >>Sigh<<
i guess i'll stick with the 97 & before... :rolleyes:
Well, at least it's here to carry on the Bird emblem. With a no nonsense design and good old RWD----thank god they are sticking with sound engineering. Now I'm wondering if we will see it grow as before with the addition of a rear seat, kind of doubt it cause this Bird is aimed squarely at the people who have two cars and can just stand and look at it---hey, look what I got.
I have a 2002 and we love it. It's not a daily driver, but we aren't afraid to get it out on the road and enjoy it. Took it to Florida at Xmas and it was a great trip. In it 12 hours one day and didn't feel "beat up" like we normally do. The ride is comfortable, and the handling is great.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the allure of a straight line muscle car, as well as "true sports cars". I have had Mustangs (including a Cobra and GT convertible) and really liked them for what they are. All I can say is, this Bird is exactly what we were looking for at this time. A beautiful car, with balanced performance, and some heritage to boot.

I know some people don't appreciate the styling, or expected more performance. The car isn't for everyone. But I must say, I have gotten more thumbs ups and compliments in the last seven months than for all of my other cars put together.

PJ - I dislike the brokering and gouging just as much as you. I would never pay over sticker for any car, not even this one, although many have. I guess as long as they are happy, that's their business, but not for me. It's a matter of principle.

mustang_tbird - My wife is the one who first said she wanted this car, and she's no car snob. In fact, most of our cars have been used. We have both worked for 25+ years, and this was a reward we felt we deserved. I have a friend who bought one for a daily driver for his business, and says it's the best car he has ever had. His wife also is not a car person, but is always asking for the keys to take it on errands.

Joe Vandatta - I understand the roadster is scheduled for a 5 or 6 year run without major restyling. Next year has some interesting changes to make the car even better, but the price will be going up. Ouch!

BTW, I get lots of "thumbs up" from BMW & Corvette owners. Most car lovers appreciate great cars, even if it's not a car that fits their needs. ;)
I meant absolutely no respect TBird02. Back then, I was wondering aloud just what a Tbird owner would be like. I still haven't seen one of these cars close up yet.. maybe one day? I once saw a white 55-57 Tbird cruising next to a white 2002, as I nearly ran off the road in my '83. The cars complement each other very well and I'm sure in 20 years when your car can begin to be seen in car shows, those owners will be able to rub elbows just as well as any other T-bird owners out there. Thanks for the insight!
No offense taken. I know a couple of TBird owners in Texas, and could put you in touch if you wish. One hosts the following site and has a '57 and expecting their '02 soon. The new Thunderbird

Also there is a Rt 66 cruise this August called "Thunder on 66". The schedule is here, but could change slightly between now and then. Thunder on 66
Out '02 Bird will be here next week. It went through the assembly line on May 20th. It will never replace the '57, but will sure look good sitting next to it in the garage. We are empty nesters and now can enjoy the cars we want. The new Bird will be our 5th convertible at this time. Kinda' hard to jam them all in a three car carage. I also have a '56 Mark II and '57 Country Sedan sitting in storage as well as two of the other convertibles.
I recall when the '83 Birds first came out there were a few people that thought the body style was bizarre, but look what followed. Everybody started building cars that were more aerodynamic. The '83 was a great improvement on what had been available for a few years in Thunderbirds. I hope Ford stays with the new body for a while, its very visible and looks great.
'56 Continental Mark II
'57 Ford Country Sedan
'57 Thunderbird
'89 Chrysler GTC Conv
'89 Chrysler TC by Maserati, Turbo II
'89 Chrysler TC by Maserati, 16V, 5sp
'93 Ranger
'02 Thunderbird (next week)
North Richland Hills, TX

I sure am happy to hear about your car being produced. You've been very patient (but then you have had some other great cars to keep you occupied over the wait). What's your ETA? I know I will see you and Dot with ear to ear grins posted on your website shortly thereafter.

Don't forget to get the original yellow factory valve caps from the dealer. I forgot to get mine.

I think the timing will be great insofar as the weather. Up 'til now, I think your weather has been real unpredictable. We are taking our top off this weekend. Planned to a couple of weeks ago, but has been too cold. Just gave us a couple of extra weeks to enjoy the portholes! :D

Looking forward to seeing you and Dot on Thunder on 66 :cool:

Chris (AKA Birdbrain)
Don't have an ETA as such. Just that it will be here the week of June 3rd. Dot's trying to contact someone that has access to rail information to see if he/she can give us some idea of an arrival date for DFW area. I know our salesman will contact right away when he knows whats going on...
0bird2 I couldn't help but notice you were listed in NRH. I live near the Colleyville area myself.. Very awesome that you're close by! Maybe I'll see you running around in your new T'bird one day! Too bad there aren't any cruises or anything for Thunderbirds down here.. Most everything I see is way up north.
We just finished talking with our salesman and he expects our car in between Wed. & Friday of next week. He also said he gets some rail info so he'll know which railhead it's at along the way. I plan to be at the dealership when the transport brings it in - will look for any photo-op as this will probably be the only car we will ever place an order on.

We will take the car to cruise-ins in the local area if we're not taking our 57. It won't see alot of local roads - mostly distance travel - I hate the traffic around here.

Already know other 02 owners in our local area and met at a Sonic in Grapevine a few weeks ago. Have also met them a few other times this past winter. Some want to do another Sonic cruise-in. There is a Sonic Cruise-in on Davis Blvd this coming Saturday - 25.

[same list as 0bird2]