Thunder on 66

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May 8, 2002
Grand Rapids, MI
Anyone here registered to go on the Rt 66 trip in August? The size of the group has become smaller over the last couple of weeks, but I think there are still almost 30 cars planning the trip. I hope it works out, as I have wanted to see this historic road since I was a kid, and the new bird seems to be an ideal excuse. :cool:
Are you sure? The event planner said there were over 130 cars participating in a recent post on BON.

Should really thank your sorry ass-because of you and what you claimed about Thunder on 66-all of the publicity really helped us take off with regards to numbers-we now have 135 Thunderbirds taking part!

Have a nice day! Looks like your plan backfired again!
A road cruise? With other Thunderbirds! Sign me up!! When and where??! I want to go!

[ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: mustang_tbird ]

Sorry, but the group left from Chicago yesterday, 8/14. I was not able to go due to a family emergency. Try other sites for events. I use this one often -

[ 08-15-2002: Message edited by: TBird02 ]

[ 08-15-2002: Message edited by: TBird02 ]

[ 08-15-2002: Message edited by: TBird02 ]
The Cedar Valley Thunderbirds will hold another run of Thunder on 66 in June, 05. We aren't sure of the exact dates yet-Ford may be planning something to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Thunderbird, and they have asked us to link our trip with that celebration. We'll do the trip backwards-start in California, and head towards Chicago and Dearborn.