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Old 11-01-2002, 01:35 PM
dgs dgs is offline
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Question Radial vs. bias ply specs

Hey folks. I've got a queestion about the '67 - '69 'birds that came from the factory with radials. What are the differeces in the alignment specs and are there differnt suspension bushings, driveshaft bushings or other parts? I'm trying to decide if to buy radials or bias for my '60 and I'm getting conflicting ifo on the differences in th car. I know that these '67 - '69 'birds were offered both with radials and bias so the service manual, parts book, etc should show all the differences. That should help me decide what to do.

Thanks for your help!

[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: dgs ]
1960 Convertible
Raven Black
Red Leather
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