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Old 08-28-2003, 12:30 PM
AlanT PHX AZ AlanT PHX AZ is offline
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Post sequentials and 4way flashers

I took my squential unit out and oiled it as explained in another post...Purs and clicks like a kitten! The only problem is the lights realy dont come on one at a time rather just get 4ways dont work so I assume the relay behind the glovebox is the culprit. also the blinkers come on without the key and the indash indicator stays on and only gets brighter with each click of the trunk unit. My two 1970s had a typical flasher under the dash but i know they are a diferent set up. If there is a round flasher unit then my cd-rom shop manual peice of crap fails to mention it.

The one with all the toys in the end WINS!!!
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