no brake lights on my '67

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Nov 30, 2002
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Hi! Please help me! I have no brake lights on my '67. The turn signals work, the hazards work, and the under-hood relay clicks when the pedal is pressed, so I assume the switch is working. Is there supposed to be power coming out of the under hood relay when it is energized? I don't think there is. Are ground faults common? Thanks for any help you can offer! Cal.
When working properly, there will be power coming out of the underhood relay. The power should go to the turn signal relay in the trunk to light the brake lights.
Hi Harley; As you can imagine, my every spare minute has been spent studying my problem. I think it was in my shop manual that I later read the under hood relay is supposed to be for the cruise control brake, but since nobody seems to know where the '67 relay is supposed to be, that under hood one might serve a dual purpose. One mystery I have found is that when my brake pedal is up there is power across its 2 terminals, and when down no power. Seems backwards to me, but I'm no electrician either. I'm going to replace it I think. Could be my signal light relay is at fault, though... I wish I knew for sure if there is a brake relay in there somewhere...
I'm back in business! What I did was identify the brake light wire going into the signal relay in the trunk, unplugged it there at the relay, and put power to it at the plug (trunk light plug is a handy power source). Then I was able to trace it back to the plug under the rear seat, to the plug under the dash to the right of the console. I lost power between that plug and the switch, somewhere in the harness on the inside top of the dash. So I spliced in a jumper between the 2 points. The brake lights are nice and bright, so I guess there was no relay at all. Thanks to Harley and Andy429 for your input. It's always easier to work through a problem with 2 (or 3) heads!