I am curious to know if your electric fans resolved your overheat problem. I have a 67 Landau that runs hot in the summer. Granted we are in the Southern Nevada desert here. I have replaced the radiator with an aluminum radiator and has a new water pump. The engine was rebuilt about 1000 miles ago. The engine runs what I feel is a bit warmer than it used to, but with the A/C on at idle, or a stoplight, it overheats. The A/C has been converted to R-134A. I was told that converted systems run hotter at the condenser than R-12 systems, but I dont know if that is accurate or not. Anyhow, I really want to resolve this issue, and I have considered an electric cooling fan, but I am unsure of what CFM rating is necessary to meet the necessary cooling. I am sure that an electric fan would probably resolve this issue, as it would pull a lot more air at idle than the standard clutch mechanical fan. Though, I would really like to know the cause of all of this.
Has anyone else converted their A/C to R-134a and noted an increase in idle temperatures?
Anything else that anyone else can offer would be appreciated.
I can be emailed direct at
[email protected]
Thanks for responding in advance.