broken gas gauge

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Apr 3, 2001
Akron, Ohio
Anyone know what could be causing the gas gauge not to work? Am I looking at replacing the gauge itself or something else? I'm forever on "E"! Thanx....
Take the hot lead to the sending unit off and with the switch on ground it momentarily while someone watches the gauge--if it moves to full you know the gauge is okay and the sender unit is at fault. I have had to replace mine in my 66--it is a fairly easy job as you can access it from the front of the tank--a lock ring holds it in.
Good luck
Thanks, Rick and Joe, for both your replies. The sending unit had crossed my mind, but wanted to ask those of you w/more experience before I started taking stuff apart.
If you plan to do much work on your Bird I would srongly advise you to get a Ford T Bird shop manual---they tell you everything you need to know--it will be a good investment and is available at several classic T Bird stores.
Small addition: Run gas tank to almost empty THEN remove the sending unit. With the wiring harness connected, manually raise and lower the float while someone watches the fuel guage. Still sits on "E": follow the 24" BLACK wire at the harness connection to where it is screwed to the floor pan. Clean the rust away from the sheet metal screw. Still sits on "E" when float is manually moved : Open up the sending unit ( carefully bent the tabs - tabs break off easily). Clean out the rust , clean the fine windings with 600 grit and the little contact that slides UP/DOWN the fine windings. Be careful- and do NOT bend the position of the little contact. Carefully re-assemble the sending unit , attach the harness and again manually move the float UP/DOWN. Fuel Guage still sits on "E": I'm sorry you gave it your best shot.
P.S.---As with all electrical testing of accessories ALWAYS turn ignition key to ACC position. Never turn the ignition key to "RUN" position and leave it sit there without the engine running.