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  #10 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-03-2003, 11:47 AM
WT WT is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Alabama
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WT is on a distinguished road

El Sol Infinito, when you were checking your window motors, you stated that you had sparks at the harnesses for the rear windows. You might have a short in the harness going to the motors. What I've decided to do is remove all of the motors that aren't operating, do a continuity/resistance check on the motors and wiring, and if need be, disassemble the motors and check the parts individually. Budaman, I thought that I might have a wire/harness getting crimped or being shorted somewhere, so when I can find the time, and get my Mustang out of the garage, I'll get hopping on that theory. Too many projects, too little time!!
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