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  #8 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-01-2003, 12:09 PM
El Sol Infinito El Sol Infinito is offline
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Location: Kansas City, MO
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El Sol Infinito is on a distinguished road

I too am going through this same thing. When I applied voltage (hooked up the motor to the battery via jumper cables and clipped to screwdrivers) to the passenger side motor, it went up and down fine. When I did the drivers side, nothing at all happened (no sparks, nothing), so I assume it's bad and have another one on order.
My question: When I applied voltage to the rear window motors, both of them sparked at the harness, but there was no motor action. No sound at all from the motor, so I don't think the mechanism is bound up.
Is my test method at fault here? Or is it something else?
Any thoughts would help. Thanks.
Bob Asher
1964 Thunderbird Convertible
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