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Old 05-21-2003, 05:45 PM
BigAl BigAl is offline
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Post Air Conditioning

I am the proud new owner of a 1966 Bird. It looks great - will post a pix later - but it has a lot of things that I can improve. One has to do with the airconditioner.

My mechanic tells me I could repair the system as it is for about $1K but it would make the usual grinding noise of a York compressor and put a load on the engine. For a few hundred more, he would recommend a totally new system in line with today's A/C standards.

I'm not sure what to do. I want to do this right but have little experience. I have been impressed with the replys of this forum to questions and feel that whatever guidance this group could offer me, would be worth listening to and right on target.
On a similar note, when it comes to other issues with my Bird, should I always go to restore exactly as it was or is it acceptable to make modifications with more modern components, as long as the looks stay true to the original Bird.

Thank you for any tips and encouragement you can offer.
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