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  #4 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-20-2003, 07:55 PM
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Dave ESPI Dave ESPI is offline
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well, those are possibilities, BUT this is water that is actualy IN the deck lid itself.
the only thing I can think of is that water is "gravity slipping" where it is staying in contact with the under side of the deck lid and sneaking past the trunk weatherstripping( which honestly is a little flattened with time) and would explain the water IN the trunk, BUT actualy inside the deck lid? the water can pour out of it at times when I open it... I can't see any rusted areas that would allow water to enter.... I donno... maybe aill crawn inside and let a buddy simply "rain" on the car with the garden hose fer a few min and see.... :( :
Cars suck, yeah d00d,
So does walking.

EDIT: Cars suck wayyyyy less.
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