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Old 12-08-2001, 05:49 PM
Mr. Cortes Mr. Cortes is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: San francisco
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Mr. Cortes is on a distinguished road

If you don't know where the headlight switch is, then you're already in trouble. That chrome switch that says "lights" under it, IS the headlight switch.

All you have to do is remove the metal pieces under the dash, to the left of the ignition switch, so you can now get your hand up there. twist-off the chrome bulk above the lights. to get the knob off, get your hand in there until you find the switch, underneath is a spring button. with the switch turned all the way over and out, press the button and pull the knob out, Unscrew the hard-vinyl plate that surrounds the light switch, steering coulmn & A/C vent. After that, you'll see the switch. Most people say that it's hard to change it but that's @!#$. Now, you can either take off the little retaining screws and try to manuver it out, or get a deep-socket and seperate the switch from the housing there, it's your call.

Lastly, on my '65 it WAS the switch, but noone had it, and if they did they wanted 45-60 dollars for it. F___ that S___ I went to Nick's T-birds and found it NEW for $29.95. That's about as good as it's going to get.
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