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Old 09-02-2001, 04:16 PM
Mongoose Mongoose is offline
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Akron, Ohio
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Mongoose is on a distinguished road

You mention the old trick of pulling up on the shift lever to start the car. I have to do that to start my '65, but could never figure out why that is. Is there something wrong that I haven't figured out? Thanks.

Originally posted by phjohnso:
there are some basic wiring diagrams in your shop manual (if you have one) - other than that complete repro 65 wiring manuals are on ebay all the time - you will find one there. I had a similar problem but mine was traced to the power window relay (under the hood) which replaced with a new one for $49. Sounds like your problem is with the neutral starter relay which needs to be working in order for the car to start properly. Did you try the old trick of lifting up on the shift lever with your left hand as you start the car with your right hand...
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