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  #4 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-21-2020, 12:06 PM
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Yadkin Yadkin is offline
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Originally Posted by Montana Tbird View Post
When you say "one or both the the switches", are you referring to the locks on the doors, or the one on the dash?
Gosh, there are three? Again, my car doesn't have that option. I retrofitted a electronic system that locks both doors with my key fob.

I am somewhat familiar with the electric versions on later models, since I am currently restoring an '81 Corvette, and that has switches on each door. both switches are tied together so that operating one locks both doors.

I assume that the vacuum system works the same way, any switch locks both doors. So they have to be tied together. Two, three, or four, it doesn't matter, you could have a leak at any of them.

The switch that does my rear panel works perfectly, along with the check valve between it and the source vacuum. The motors I had to replace. I assume that your door lock switches are the same manufacturer and probably built just as well, so maybe just a good cleaning will make them work properly.
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