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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-01-2019, 11:47 AM
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Yadkin Yadkin is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Many of the reproduction parts sold today are made in China and generally worthless. A good set of Autolite or Motorcraft points and matching condenser back in the day ran about $5 to $7. Today that same set is made in a Chinese factory and is sold to the US market for several times that.

Luckily there is an alternative. There are several US manufactures of electronic modules to bolt in place of your point. They cost less than two sets of points yet basically last forever. They require a minor change in wiring, need a full 12 volts all the time. It's an easy change, and saves money in the long run and invisible to anyone unless they take the distributor cap off.
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