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Old 01-01-2019, 08:15 PM
Maxfli Maxfli is offline
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Maxfli is on a distinguished road
1965 Thunderbird driver's window

Each one has removed the motor and regulator and made adjustments to the track. Once it goes back in both were satisfied they had fixed the problem but neither has. The rubber weather stripping on the door is folded directly above the motor. Each time I unfold it within a day it folds back down. I think that water is dripping down into the motor itself. But cannot understand how taking the motor out of the door has any effect. The last mechanic who worked on the window and top and brake lights said there was a ground wire missing and he replaced it. Once it stops it will not start working again until it comes out because I have had a couple guys tell me that just let it dry out and it should come back. It doesn't. Any ideas?
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