vent window crank

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Sep 24, 2000
Richardson, Texas USA
I am looking for a thin open end wrench. I need to remove the vent window crank on a '65 and none of the wrenches I have found are thin enough to get between the crank and the panel. Looking for a source or suggestions.
I had a hard time with this one also. I bent the very tip of a long thin nail and snapped it on to a needle nose vice grip and pulled out the pin. The wrench that you can buy is only to separate the panel from the crank. Pull the pin out. Good luck.
I ordered the special door handle wrench from Larry's T-Bird to remove the panel on my '64. I couldn't get it to work, so I went by the local body shop and the owner had the same wrench! He lined the open end with the vent window crank handle and the handle came off in a second. Using the tool I ordered I attached the handle in a second as well. The instructions, of course, don't tell you about lining the open end of the wrench with the crank handle.