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Old 05-06-2018, 09:10 PM
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Freoway Freoway is offline
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Location: Fremantle, Western Australia
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I tried spraying water around the intake near cylinder #8. No real response. I may try something more volatile when I get time later today. I re-ran compression tests on all cylinders - all got within 135-140psi, so pretty good. I've checked tappet clearances, screw adjuster positions, etc. - all good too and valve lift seemed fine. I also used my leak down tester to check that both inlet and exhaust valves open and close, which they do.

It really has to come down to a vacuum leak near that cylinder. I've ordered a gasket set from the east coast (of Australia). Hopefully I'll get that later this week. I guess the inlet manifold will get a new coat of paint in the meantime.
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