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Old 05-04-2018, 09:46 PM
fordrodsteven fordrodsteven is offline
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Location: North Andover, MA
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fordrodsteven is on a distinguished road
It looks like that guy never posted again. Maybe he fixed it and forgot to tell anyone. Anyway - all indications were pointing to the distributor. Try checking the point gap on every lobe. Set it to minimum on the lowest lobe and see how it runs. You may have a smaller lobe and the points are not opening to make the spark. I personally feel the problem is probably the breaker plate that the points bolt onto. I would try to find someone with a distributor and try that in the engine. If it solves the problem you should get yourself another distributor.
let us know what you find.
Steve - CTCI # 37081
1955 Tee-bird modified, 88 Reatta, MOPAR11 #735
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