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Old 10-10-2017, 09:28 PM
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stubbie stubbie is offline
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It looks like you have a splitter to the rear of your engine under the vac can for the door locks. Is that correct? There should be a line that runs from your brake booster to that brass block on the engine. There should be a line that runs from the brake booster to your transmission. If you only have the single output from the brake booster then one of the lines from the brass block should go to the transmission. From the brass block one line goes to the vac can on the inner fender with a check valve. That line should split and go down and through the bottom of the firewall. From there I think it splits into smaller size pipe and goes to the neutral safety switch and beyond. There should also be a pipe from that brass fitting that runs to the vac can on the firewall for the door locks. There should be a small pipe that runs from the vac can on the fender through a rubber grommet at the top of the firewall. I think that goes to the temp control on the AC.
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