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Old 04-18-2017, 12:11 PM
sseebart sseebart is offline
Steve Seebart
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: California
Posts: 87
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sseebart is on a distinguished road
I replaced the hoses on my car this year. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison (I have a 64 without A/C), but I bought a replacement reproduction. Side by side, the old and new hoses were the same length, but upon installation, the new hose was ungainly and hard to get routed correctly. (It seemed like no matter how I positioned it, there was interference/rubbing somewhere. I still have it on my to-do list to fiddle with it some more.)

I did a quick search on Bird Nest. My car takes the hose with two steel sections (as did the '65's without A/C.) I'm not sure if the other one is the kind you have, but if not, perhaps it's worth the time and trouble to get a reproduction of the correct length:

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