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Old 09-11-2016, 08:38 AM
HeadacheGuy HeadacheGuy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
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I honestly haven't looked at mine as the diaphram is bad and it is the only thing that doesn't work on mine but i used to work on similar ones quite a few years back. Can it be as simple as the lines reversed on the neutral switch itself? They do need to vent as you described and I believe that is the only place they can vent it. I thought the slide portion of the switch opened to atmosphere on the diaphram side and sealed the vacuum side when put in gear. I will be interested to see what you find as I am going to tackle this one after mine comes out of the body shop after the first of the year. I would look at it now and let you know but I am having a top put on it and won't see it back for a few days.
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