I often wonder why I ask for advice and then don't follow it. Continuing saga of this project is that ai added a small Alpine amp which didn't do much to clean up the sound and added 2 4" speakers (Pioneer) in the door which fit with mild modification. I cut the plastic behind the door but not the carpet so you can't see them. they are slightly muffled but they produce sound. That's all I am going to call it. As per Terry's advise I have 2 dual v speakers coming from Crutchfied. I am a little unsure if these are the best quality or if they just had them for a good price (35 apiece) so I will let you know how it goes. I heard a similar pair in a 59 Fairlane with it's top down and thought they were acceptable. Don't ask me why I tried to re-invent the wheel here, There really is NO other place to put speakers on this car as others have posted in the past.