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Old 07-03-2016, 06:49 PM
HeadacheGuy HeadacheGuy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
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Insurance company wants to total me out for 13 grand minus the 3500 they want me to buy it back for. I have to use the internet to improve my position as I replacement value for what I have at around 22 grand. If anyone out there has sold one for in the past yr (or so) could you give me an idea of what you got for it and the condition it was in? (don't sugar coat the condition, if it had issues it helps me value mine against it). No, I ain't totaling it....WAY to nice of a car even with hail damage to get rid of it. I just get the pleasure of dealing with idiot adjusters who want me to bail out cheap. Geez.....keep the same policy for 40 years and THIS is the service I get? I have to upload all my research and if anyone has good advice on twisting arms at the insurance level (yes I will threaten and make good on legal action), it wont fall on deaf ears.
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