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Old 05-04-2016, 04:49 PM
makrie makrie is offline
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makrie is on a distinguished road
@Terry64HT Thanks for the clarification... My explanation in regards to identifying the 3 wires without a connector and was not intended to distinguish the ammeter from model years. The schematic I referenced was for the 65 which as you accurately pointed out shares some components with the 66. I haven't looked at the connector side of my 65 and hope I won't have to for some time. KNOCK ON WOOD!

That said I believe all ammeters use two primary wires, the ones requiring a shunt must be matched to the resistance of the circuit. From your clarification earlier ammeters are not compatible with shunted circuits common after 65.

Perhaps you or others can describe to the rest of us who haven't had a chance to dig in the inner workings how the later ammeters appear? Pics would be awesome if you have any? Thanks in advance!
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