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  #18 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-25-2016, 09:26 PM
handana handana is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
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handana is on a distinguished road
A/c finally

I want to thank everyone who posted suggestions and encouragements as I worked thru the a/c system on my 66. Since a/c and heating is not in my skill set and the systems on these cars is way more complicated than most, I went to the experts. I was very fortunate in that I have a good radiator, heat and a/c shop lest than 20 minutes away.
They said they could fix this mess and make it work! And they did. For about the same amount as a Classic or Vintage system's parts. They soldered vacuum taps, rebuilt the compressor to handle the new coolant oil, replaced all the missing and broken parts. I am still so amazed. The dash controls all work now that they have vacuum. They even made a condenser to factory dimensions rather than order one for a lot more money.
I'm now ready for summer cruising.
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