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  #11 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-10-2016, 10:12 AM
HeadacheGuy HeadacheGuy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
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HeadacheGuy is on a distinguished road
Great pictures. Determine whether the linkage is the issue or the carb. If the linkge rod (when not attached) should spring load closing pressure beyond the hole in the carb where it attachs. If it does, the carb is the issue, If it doesn't the linkage is the issue. If it is in the carb, make sure the secondary lock out linkage is not keeping the primaries from fully closing. The pump linkage shouldn't bind you in the closed position unless something is screwed up. Check the blades of both the primary and secondaries for proper seating with the carb base off. They can be realigned if binding but it's a little tricky. Only other thing I recommend. Make sure there is a return spring directly hooked to the carb. If you depend on the rod being sprung back to hold the carb closed it is a safety issue. Rod clip breaks (mine did and the rod fell off but I had a direct spring) and the throttle goes open.
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