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Old 03-20-2016, 02:45 AM
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stubbie stubbie is offline
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I am/was fitting a Vintage Air AC System. Unfortunately I ran into a problem with having the wrong water pump for a 64. None of the pulleys lined up properly with the 1970 water pump I had on my 390. That took me 3 weeks to figure out what was going on there with the help of some forum members elsewhere. So I had to remove everything I had installed under the hood and everything required to come off to install a new pump. I have been busy painting parts and cleaning out the radiator and unfortunately have been sick on and off over the last 4 weeks but hope to get back to it next week now the new pump has arrived. I'll take picture of my install when I get to it. I bought the Gen2 Compact evap only I think it was and bought all the other bits and pieces locally with the help of my local AC guy.
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