Low voltage will indeed cause the solenoid to stick closed. I was in disbelief the first time I saw it years ago and ran into it many times since.There is a fireshow of current jumping across the terminals inside when it has weak holding pressure due to low voltage that will fuse the terminals. If done enough times it will burn the contacts and you will have to replace it. Batteries can arc internally and die violently and seem to come back to normal after the load is gone. Best way to check is right on the terminals with a voltmeter when attempting a start. If it drops out below 9 volts or lower and you know the battery is charged, the battery is junk. (Poor mans load test). easiest to have the battery tested but make sure it is LOAD tested. Conductance testers which many places use can give you a false positive ( I have both at my shop and the conductance tester gathers dust).