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Old 11-22-2015, 07:12 PM
dustinface dustinface is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
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dustinface is on a distinguished road
You guys are right...

I just got back from the Goodguys Scottsdale show where I was able to track down a guy with a '65. Probably could have gotten there earlier to find a '66, but it justified my concern (and what I'm reading here). It looks like the guy that had this car before me hooked the + and - terminals incorrectly.

The '65 I saw at the GG show had the black wire going to the block while the red wire was going to the solenoid. I know that is what you all have been telling me, what the manual has been telling me, but I trusted that the car was just correctly wired.

I'm going to post some pictures of MY car and show you that the car is hooked up as a positive ground... but the idiot hooked it up incorrectly. Now the question... do I go back to where I got the car from and leave poo on his doorstep?

So, I guess the first step is to rewire the ground to the ground, the positive to the solenoid and then install the new Ignitor (coming tomorrow). Then go through the rest of the wires coming out and to things and ensure those weren't installed improperly.

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