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Old 10-11-2015, 09:18 AM
HeadacheGuy HeadacheGuy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
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HeadacheGuy is on a distinguished road
Pulled mine on my 65 for A/C conversion. Assuming yours is non A/C you do NOT have to pull the dash though you do have to pull the box out. It doesn't come off hard. Had mine out in 2 hrs (but have to admit I do this for a living). When you pull the chrome trim (it pulls straight out but you want to be carefull not to bend it) on the passenger dash and get out the 3 phillips screws out (there are a couple of bolts underneath the same panel)and get the front panel off the job gets way easier. If yours is an A/C car you have to contend with the evaporator lines which I understand is a bitch but still do-able. Box appears to big to come out through the door but it is actually a good fit if you roll it on the way out. Good luck
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