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Old 09-18-2015, 12:03 AM
johnpaulny johnpaulny is offline
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johnpaulny is on a distinguished road
Thanks for the detailed response. I'm very confident that the engine is tight. This was a very babied car and my mechanic believes it to be a true 60000 miles. Also, it runs perfectly, and no smoke whatsoever. What I find baffling, and I don't think coincidental, is that it happened just after I replaced the thermostat with a 195 degree unit. I don't know what the other one was but the temp gauge was never in the normal range - always pretty cool. With the new one it is about 1/3 way into the normal range. I did that today and drove it once, on the highway, had it up to 65 (which I haven't done since I got the car). It was after this that I noticed it. Is it perhaps the viscosity of the oil - maybe too thin for the higher temp and that's reducing the pressure? Regarding that, what oil/oil filter do you use, brand and weight? Thanks for you help, John
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