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Old 09-15-2015, 08:51 PM
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Mike the Wino Mike the Wino is offline
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'68 T-Bird: Is this engine build a good combination?

I have an engine build question. I have a 1968 Thunderbird that I'm kind of restoring, and it has a re-manufactured 429 Thunderjet (not the original engine installed when the car was built), block ID # D1VE-A2B. It needs rebuilding again if I decide to use it in this car. I also have a another block (a fairly rare 429 CobraJet, I believe), ID # D0VE-A, without the original heads. Along with that, I have a couple rebuilt D9TE-FA heads, which I think are supposed to be 460's? My question is, is the 460 head/429 CobraJet engine a decent combination? If so, what suggestions do you have for the intake? I'm not trying to make a performance car out of it and I don't really want to spend a ton of money in the process, but would like it to run nicely when I decide to take it for a drive.

I have zero preconceived notions about what the outcome of this build should be...just looking for some sound advice.

Thanks everyone!
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