Thread: AC conversion
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Old 09-14-2015, 11:53 PM
HeadacheGuy HeadacheGuy is offline
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Congratulations on getting any cool air out of a 50 A/C system. Now you roll your sleeves up. Arcing off the compressor and they are having trouble with the pressures......I am suspecting too high of high side pressures and the clutch is slipping. Reason I am responding is to tell you that a new compressor probably will not cure the problem and actually might make it worse or burn the Sanden up. Your system does not protect itself for too high of pressure. Ideally you really dont want to see over 300 high side and around 30 - 35 psi low side when the system is stable (all depends on ambient temp and humidity...these figures are NOT cast in stone). I assume you have retrofited to R134A at full system capacity (there used to be a recommendation of going 80% but we found out this was a load of crap and ate compressors due to bad oiling). IF your high side is creeping towards 400 psi and you get crap for cooling you have a few choices. 1: Replace the condenser to a newer cross flow style (all modern cars have these now) as opposed to the serpentine one you have now. Place I got my A/C from sells them and it does the job pretty well. 2: Do whatever you can to increase the airflow. This means a better fan - I assume you have a factory fan clutch (make sure it works). If not convert to one. Other option is an electric fan. This can be a small pusher on the outside in conjunction with the mechanical (which you really don't have the room for) or replace the mechanical one will a puller where your fan is now. 3: Make sure you have a shroud (it helps but not a cure-all). If you don't have one the Tbird places online sell one and 2 piece designs. 4: Make damn sure they not only flushed the mineral oil out of the system but they drained (yes it does have a fill plug and reservoir) the compressor. The mineral oil does not hurt anything per say but it displace volume. They should have used ester oil to replace it but if you go to the Sanden you want PAG oil. Very long story short.....These cars convert ok but don't cool as efficiently in older systems. Any way you go however (since you already may be fighting a slipping clutch) have your mechanic wire in a high side compressor cut out switch. Post their typical pressure readings and also if the cooling gets normal with a box fan running in front of the car. Not sure if you needed or wanted this info but I hate to see anyone throw away $$$ on unnecessary repairs.
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