Thread: vapor lock
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Old 08-19-2015, 11:38 PM
HeadacheGuy HeadacheGuy is offline
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AT 110 + octane av gas has a major disadvantage. Octane is all burn time. It is slower to burn which would make it less efficient in an engine designed to run 91 octane (or close to). You may find that it runs ok but in the long term it will be a carbon buildup nightmare. Ford had several bulletins years ago where people were running their 87 octane cars on 91 octane (Taurus 3.8 liters but the principle applies), They suffered from premature carbon buildup which led to poor performance. I ran into several cases of it in other cars as well. Bottom line, too high of octane is a waist and can actually be detrimental to the life of the engine. Try the base gasket idea. I promise you results.
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