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Old 08-21-2003, 11:54 PM
Jim 793 Jim 793 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Denver Colorado
Posts: 43
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Jim 793 is on a distinguished road

Yes the window motors were 6 volt. (only done in 55)

Sorry for the confussion. I bought it with a 4 bbl and the vin number says it had 2-4 bbls. I found a intake from a friend and want to put it back as stock. The problem is to put it back to orginal will take way too much $. It's been patched alot by the previous owner. So, I've determined to make it my fun car and have it look good.

Maybe, when I get a bigger space to hold 4+ cars I might go for a 57. Till then I enjoy the 56. If I ever get it back together.
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