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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 08-22-2014, 10:47 AM
65 special bird 65 special bird is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
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65 special bird is on a distinguished road
Ken , rock has alot of parts for birds. And are alot cheeper. I needed an inner tie rod and most wanted 80 -109 bucks at rock auto it was 40 made by moog. same with regulators they have an assortment to choose from as low as 7.95 for an original looking and 25 bucks for a updated solid state electronic one. as with a catalogue you have to pay shipping but still comes out alot cheeper for most mechanical parts. Have used them a few dozen times. Just check prices first sometimes it's cheeper elsewhere. Macs and thunderbird headquarters are automotive wherhouses and loaded with almost everything for birds sometimes expensive but correct parts.
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