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Old 08-21-2003, 06:23 PM
Jim 793 Jim 793 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Denver Colorado
Posts: 43
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Jim 793 is on a distinguished road

Tom D
Your so right. I did find three mercury dimes and five wheat pennies in the defroster hose. I think I'm ahead of the game with the disassembly process. It's taken about 30 hours and everything is apart. The machine shop has the engine apart and says its just needs a major overhall. I also, found a two-four barral intake manifold to reassemble to the orginal engine specs.

I'm not sure if I am ahead or behind schedule. Either way, I've got a paint shop date of 11/1. Just might make it. How long did it take for your last rebuild?
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