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Old 03-26-2014, 06:45 PM
hjworton hjworton is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
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hjworton is on a distinguished road
New 66 owner from the UK

Hi All,

Greetings to everyone from the UK. I'm a fairly new owner of a 66 2-door hardtop in white, body in good shape, imported in the latter part of 2013 from Sacramento. It has, at some point, had the original 390ci switched out for a Ford truck 460 lump. It's running well, has yet to make it onto the road - has quite a few issues to sort before it's legal over here, but is basically a good find for not a lot of money. The cool sequential turn signals are proving to be a bit of a problem - cars made before August 65 can have all red signals but after that they have to be amber - and that could be complicated to alter.

Hope to find answers to my queries on here, and make some clime-minded friends too.


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