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  #13 (permalink)   IP:
Old 02-25-2014, 01:19 PM
waltreiss waltreiss is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Age: 53
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waltreiss is on a distinguished road
I don't have any pictures of the shims to share with the group, but it was an unscientific undertaking. I'm a big fan of using what I have available when certain challenges arise. With the truck tire I used to transport the engine back from the builder sitting beside the house, I cut rectangles from the side wall to match the frame support in the engine bay (about 5" x 2"). I notched them for the motor mount stud and job done. So far, so good after about 1,000 miles. I'll need to re-torque the nuts to allow for settling and compression.

I'm happy to report the car is now only occupying one spot in the garage! These T-Birds are large, but much less so with all their parts installed.

Hope the leg recovery goes quickly!
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