Thread: oil pressure
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:26 PM
woodward bird woodward bird is offline
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woodward bird is on a distinguished road

Well joe good news and bad news....remember a few weeks ago i was asking about how high in the pan the pick-up should be becuase i thought mine was a little high. Well i think thats my problem.I changed the gauge and still hardly any pressure,you can hear the pump sucking in the pan when you spin the drill but the oil just barly shows,so i added 1 extra quart of oil and as soon as i spun the drill it showed pressure and bogged the drill down. Soooo this brings up another question..can you pull the pan and change the pick-up with it in the car or do you have to unbolt the motor mounts and raise the engine,also the dream cruise is only a week away(the main reason for all this work :D )would it be OK to drive the car up there and just keep an extra quart in the pan,and then after the cruise tackle the pick-up.
Thanks for your input joe it's appreciated.

[ 08-07-2003: Message edited by: woodward bird ]
Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin
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