1964 power windows


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Feb 10, 2012
None of the powers windows are working. All of them were working before I delivered her to the paint shop for a new paint job. While at the paint shop, they said the power windows weren't working. Just picked up the car and confirmed none of the windows are working. I checked the power at both sides of the circuit breaker in the passenger side cowl side kick area, and have power at both sides of the terminal (the horn is on the same circuit and works). I can't imagine the switch assembly in the center console went bad. Does anyone have advice? Is there a relay that needs attention?
Never had 64 with power windows, But does it have the power window relay under the hood on in the center of the cowl on the fire wall or elsewhere? No wiring diagram? Very helpful
I found the relay under hood behind the passenger side hood hinge and cowl drain sock. There is no click. It is a pain in the rear location. I could not easily remove any wires to it. How do I test the relay?
I am having the same problem. First my horn quit working and yesterday I rolled all the windows down and went for a drive and now the windows will not go up. I have checked the fuse and it seems good. Did not know it had a relay, can someone tell me where it is located I have been unable to find it?
Well you are right about the location, after going out 3 times and looking and finding nothing I raised up the rubber drain line and there are 2 relays underneath it. Almost impossible to get too. Hope someone knows how to check the relay without removing it.
Relay Access

Can't completely solve your problem, but to access that relay on the passenger side fire wall, you should consider removing the rear splash guard on that side. There are about seven assorted screws and bolts holding it in place, but if you pull the wheel and remove that panel, you should be able to get to the relay and the wires behind it without much trouble. Hope it helps...