Thread: oil pressure
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Old 08-06-2003, 10:10 PM
woodward bird woodward bird is offline
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Question oil pressure

I got the new motor to fire tonight but i have a question. The guage that is in it is very "suspect" it reads all over and has for a year. I have a auto meter oil pressure guage that i'm putting in it tommorow to replace the bad guage. My question is on a brand new motor how long should it take to build up pressure on the guage. I fired it and held it at 1500rpm for about 10-15seconds tonight and the pressure showed 20psi and then went to 6psi and bounced around alittle. I'm pretty sure the old guage is bad(its a digital one) so i'm hoping its just that but dont want to hurt the new motor. Any thoughts on how long it should take to show on the guage?
Also i pre oiled with a electric drill but didnt show any pressure(bad guage?)i spun it for 1min...should i pull the dist. and spin it longer with the new guage attached?
[ 08-06-2003: Message edited by: woodward bird ]

[ 08-06-2003: Message edited by: woodward bird ]
Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin
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