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Old 05-01-2003, 02:54 AM
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Dave ESPI Dave ESPI is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Albany NY.- UNDER THE HOOD.
Age: 48
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Dave ESPI is on a distinguished road

hmmmmmmm... Salt water tank in a t-bird.....

how exotic.....

damn U......


my car has only seen 13 northern winters ever (as to the previous owners info), 2 since I have had it, and only 1 where it was on the road ( but not driven around in) for the slushie months of lovely NY.... once I finish my bird, its getting a nice heated rented garage OR one of those bubble enclosures for winter. That should beat out the elements fer sure.

lemme know if you find a decent price on a front bumper, I too would like to replace mine as rechroming will run 600.00 ARGH !

FWIW, if yer bird is beat up that badly, why not heap it and use it as a parts car and get a better one ? only reason I wanted to keep this one is cause it IS in such good shape, and has lived through al these years in the northeast ( lol even-though it was a southern build car)

GO YANKEES ! hehehhee

[ 05-01-2003: Message edited by: Dave ESPI ]

[ 05-01-2003: Message edited by: Dave ESPI ]
Cars suck, yeah d00d,
So does walking.

EDIT: Cars suck wayyyyy less.
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