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Old 01-02-2013, 11:30 PM
3speeds3 3speeds3 is offline
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remanufactured engine?

My 66 convertible is burning about one quart over 200 miles.
lots of blue smoke on cold start up. Mechanic says a valve is leaking, maybe.
Runs well except at a stop, (at idle runs a bit rough, smooth if in neutral) Ok, do I do a valve job and keep the original engine or a complete
engine rebuild or swap for a bullet proof remanufactured engine?
Let's assume money is no object, and I don't care about "numbers matching" concours. I want an engine I can depend on for thousands of miles. And I do not want a high horsepower crate motor, just the original hp and torque, my car is a "driver", a weekend cruiser. I just want to be able to do a thousand miles with no worries.
What would you do???
Bay Area
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